Ten tips about temperature checks

Ten tips about temperature checks

Ten Tips You Need to Know About Temperature Checks 1. Detecting a Fever During Flu Season and COVID-19 According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), a temperature reading of 100.4°F degrees or higher is generally considered a fever. As a rule of...
Kulak sıcaklığı ölçümü

Kulak sıcaklığı ölçümü

The Ear: An excellent site to take your baby’s temperature. Temperature-taking has come a long way Many parents will remember as children having their temperature taken with a strip thermometer or perhaps an old-fashioned glass thermometer. The strip thermometers have...
What is Age Precision® Technology

What is Age Precision® Technology

Why it’s right to be concerned about fever High fever in children is usually a sign of infection, which can be either viral or bacterial. In young children, there is a chance that the infection can be meningitis or sepsis, both of which can be serious or potentially...
Aileniz için doğru termometreyi seçme

Aileniz için doğru termometreyi seçme

Whether you’re after a certain type of thermometer, looking to support your baby’s health or searching for a solution for the whole family, Braun’s product offering provides several options to suit a variety of needs providing professional accuracy for peace of mind....
Burun Aspiratörleri İçin Uzman Rehberiniz

Burun Aspiratörleri İçin Uzman Rehberiniz

Whatever your age, a blocked nose can be uncomfortable. It makes breathing difficult, often forcing you to do so through your mouth, which in turn can cause a sore throat and make everyday things like eating and sleeping more difficult. Children and adults can...
5 Most Common Home Emergencies And How To Prepare

5 Most Common Home Emergencies And How To Prepare

Whether it’s a skinned knee, sprained ankle or a fever, every busy family home needs a good first aid kit. For any busy and active family, a first aid kit is a home essential. Whether it’s a skinned knee, a fever or even a headache brought on by too much screen time,...